Monday, May 24, 2010

Cant figure out whats wrong C++?

//Class declaration for the rectangle class

class house



//default constructor


house(double l, double w, double h, double R_wall, double R_ceiling, double in_temp, double out_temp);

//accesor funtions

double get_length() const;

double get_width() const;

double get_height() const;

double get_R_walls() const;

double get_R_ceilings() const;

double get_in_temp() const;

double get_out_temp() const;

//function for input and output.

double input(istream%26amp; in);

double output(ostream%26amp; out) const;

//additional member function prototypes.

void set_value(double l, double w, double h, double R_wall, double R_ceiling, double in_temp, double out_temp);

double area() const;


//declaration of data members;

double length, width, height, R_walls, R_ceilings, in_temp, out_temp;



#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

using namespace std;

using :: istream;

using :: ostream;

house:house(double l, double w, double h, double R_wall, double R_ceiling, double in_temp, double out_temp);

length(l), width(w), height(h), R_walls(R_wall), R_ceilings(R_ceiling), in_temp(in_temp), out_temp(out_temp);



void house::set_value(double l, double w, double h, double R_wall, double R_ceiling, double in_temp, double out_temp)


//set the value of the calling object.

length = l;

width = w;

height = h;

R_walls = R_wall ;

R_ceilings = R_ceiling;

in_temp = in_temp;

out_temp = out_temp;



Cant figure out whats wrong C++?

When you declare house::house(), you should write "house();" not "house:". Using a colon instead of a semicolon makes the compiler expect to see an initialization list.


When you define house::house(), you should write "house::house", not "house:house", because "house::house" is the fully-qualified name of the function, whereas "house:house" is simply an illegal construct.


When you give an initialization list for house::house, you should not terminate the initialization list in a semicolon. The initialization list is terminated by the open brace.


You appear to be missing the definitions of a number of other functions.


You should define a copy constructor "house::house(const house%26amp;)", and then you can simply use the default assignment operator instead of set_value.

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