Thursday, July 30, 2009

Still need c++ help?

ok this is the word problem

Hulk Hogan invests in a Roth IRA. He plans to put $200 in the account on the first of each month, beginning on Jan 1, 2007. His last payment will be on Dec 1, 2036. His money earns a (% annual interest rate, compounded monthly. Calculate and print his balance on January 1 of each year, from 2007 until 2037. Do not print the other months.

this is wut i have so far

//this program calculates the 9% annual interest

//of an IRA account compounded monthly then prints

//out every january 1st for 30 years.

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

#include %26lt;iomanip%26gt;

#include %26lt;cmath%26gt;

using namespace std;

int main()


cout%26lt;%26lt;"This is the program of : ";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"Dillon Nicholson"%26lt;%26lt;"\n";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"CMPS 1043-02"%26lt;%26lt;"\n";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"Due date:";

cout%26lt;%26lt;" Oct 30 2007"%26lt;%26lt;"\n"%26lt;%26lt;"\n";

double principal = 200.00;

double amount;

double rate = (1 + .09/12) * 12;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "January 1st of year" %26lt;%26lt; setw( 21 ) %26lt;%26lt; "Amount on deposit" %26lt;%26lt;endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; fixed %26lt;%26lt; setprecision( 2 );

Still need c++ help?
to print some thing in a file, do this:

//add the library of file


//initialize an output file

ofstream out; // or any other name like outFile

//open the file"SomeFileName.SomeFormat") //like"output.txt")

//then use out instead of cout in any line like replace this

cout %26lt;%26lt; "January 1st of year" %26lt;%26lt; setw( 21 ) %26lt;%26lt; "Amount on deposit" %26lt;%26lt;endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; fixed %26lt;%26lt; setprecision( 2 );

//replace above with

out %26lt;%26lt; "January 1st of year" %26lt;%26lt; setw( 21 ) %26lt;%26lt; "Amount on deposit" %26lt;%26lt;endl;

out %26lt;%26lt; fixed %26lt;%26lt; setprecision( 2 );

//this way the result is printed in a file

//finally close the file

Reply:Look carefully at your pow() function call. You're adding 1.00 to rate, but rate already had a 1 factored in back when it was defined.

Note that I'm hardly up on compound interest enough to verify your overall calculations.

Hope that helps.

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