Tuesday, July 28, 2009

C++ follow up...?

After spending some more time with this, the code now works. I would like some help in coding the error statement.

1) If the user enters an age, say below 1 or exceeding 120, the user shd get an error message "Warning, age must be between 1 and 120" hence(!(1%26lt;=ageValue%26amp;%26amp;ageValue%26lt;=120)), and then the user must be prompted again to enter a valid age.

2) If the user enters a non-int value, the message is "Error: invalid entry" and prgm exits the loop. Where would be best to input these two messages? THANKS!

/ reading values printing out input in reverse



using namespace std;

const int MAX=1000;

int main()


int ageValue[MAX];

int count=0;

char choice;

cout%26lt;%26lt;"Enter the age of the youngest family member:"%26lt;%26lt;endl;


cout%26lt;%26lt;"Are there any more family members?(Y for yes and N for no)"%26lt;%26lt;endl;


for(count=1; choice=='Y'||choice==

C++ follow up...?
I had to make some more changes to your code. I placed comments around the changes that I made.


using namespace std;

const int MAX=1000;

/* moved to here so all functions can use them */

int ageValue[MAX];

int count=0;

/* new function */

void inputAge()


cout%26lt;%26lt;"Enter the age of the youngest family member:"%26lt;%26lt;endl;


/* Error 2) */

if (!cin)


/* not exactly sure what you want done here. */

/* to exit program */

cout%26lt;%26lt;"Your other message!"


/* to only stop input, and then print the other values out

change the return value to a bool and return false */

/* return false; */


/* Error 1) */

else if (ageValue[count]%26lt;1||ageValue[count]%26gt;120)


cout%26lt;%26lt;"Your error message!"%26lt;%26lt;endl;

/* recall this method */




int main()


char choice;

/* call to new function */


cout%26lt;%26lt;"Are there any more family members?(Y for yes and N for no)"%26lt;%26lt;endl;


/* Placed in the below while instad of the for.*/

while (choice=='Y'||choice=='y')

/*for(count=1; choice=='Y'||choice=='y'; count++)*/


/* Added the count increment here */


/* call to new function */


cout%26lt;%26lt;"Are there any more family members?(Y for yes and N for no)";



cout%26lt;%26lt;"Thank you. The ages of your family in reverse order are:"%26lt;%26lt;endl;

/* Change the count%26gt;0 to count%26gt;=0 for it to print out the first entry as well */



cout%26lt;%26lt;" "%26lt;%26lt;ageValue[count];

/* Place the count decrement here */



return 0;

Reply:I have not had a chance to compile this, so I am not sure it is error-free. But I think that it should work fine.


using namespace std;

const int MAX=1000;

int IsInRange(float); //returns 1 if argument is in range.

int main()


int ageValue[MAX];

int count=0;

char choice;

float temp;

cout%26lt;%26lt;"Enter the age of the youngest family member:"%26lt;%26lt;endl;




cout%26lt;%26lt;"Age must be whole number between 1 and 120!"%26lt;%26lt;endl%26lt;%26lt;"Try again: ";



ageValue[count] = (int)temp;

cout%26lt;%26lt;"Are there any more family members?(Y for yes and N for no)"%26lt;%26lt;endl;


for(count=1; choice=='Y'||choice=='y'; count++)


cout%26lt;%26lt;"Enter the age of the next youngest person"%26lt;%26lt;endl;




cout%26lt;%26lt;"Age must be between 1 and 120!"%26lt;%26lt;endl%26lt;%26lt;"Try again: ";



ageValue[count] = (int)temp;

cout%26lt;%26lt;"Are there any more family members?(Y for yes and N for no)";



cout%26lt;%26lt;"Thank you. The ages of your family in reverse order are:"%26lt;%26lt;endl;




cout%26lt;%26lt;" "%26lt;%26lt;ageValue[count];


return 0;


int IsInRange(float);


if(1%26lt;temp||temp%26gt;=120) return (0);

for(int i = 1;i%26lt;=119;i++)




else return(1);


Reply:Looking at your account, it is looks like you don't go back to your questions to award points, so why should we give you the answer?

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