Monday, July 27, 2009

C++ help, needed by 5PM PST please! No room, but in file (VERTEX 500 600 700) ect... reads 500 500 uninitilize

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

#include %26lt;fstream%26gt;

using namespace std;

#define TRUE 1

#define FALSE 0

class file_line



string one_line;

ifstream to_read;


file_line (char aFile[]) { (aFile); }

bool get_line (void);

void close_file (void) { to_read.close(); }

void put_line (void) { cout %26lt;%26lt; one_line %26lt;%26lt; endl; }


bool file_line::get_line (void)


int to_temp [10], count_string = 0;

bool been_through = FALSE;

short count = 0;

char numb_to [8];

bool again = FALSE;

string::iterator StrVal;

if (!to_read.eof())




if (!been_through)


getline (to_read, one_line);

StrVal = one_line.begin();


while (!(*StrVal %26gt;= '0' %26amp;%26amp; *StrVal %26lt;= '9') %26amp;%26amp; StrVal %26lt; one_line.end())


while ((*(StrVal) != ' ' %26amp;%26amp; StrVal %26lt; one_line.end()) %26amp;%26amp; count %26lt; 8)


numb_to[count] = *StrVal;

count++; StrVal++;


to_temp[count_string] = atoi (numb_to);


count = 0;

again = TRUE;

} while (StrVal %26lt; one

C++ help, needed by 5PM PST please! No room, but in file (VERTEX 500 600 700) ect... reads 500 500 uninitilize
From what I can tell, the problem, is here, the code doesn't look all that logical to me, but this is definately a problem:

to_temp[count_string] = atoi (numb_to); //numb_to is an array,

You're probably looking for something like this

to_temp[count_string] = atoi (numb_to[i]);

Then do this:

char *cp=numb_to[];

string s=cp;

Reply:Post on because you can post full, formatted code on there. Your code isn't complete here, but I already see problems.

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